Scott Rao | Everything but Espresso - Professional Coffee Brewing Techniques

by Scott Rao


Scott's second book covers all of the major non-espresso forms of coffee brewing. Broken up into three parts, Everything but Espresso covers the following: 

  • Part One - Coffee extraction, extraction measurement, and how to manipulate flavor by changing brewing parameters
  • Part Two - How to optimize various brewing methods, such as drip, pour over, press pot, and vacuum pot.
  • Part Three - Proper water chemistry and bean storage.

Scott Rao takes on all other forms of coffee brewing and gives them their day in the sun. Broken up into three main parts, and supported by a thorough reference bibliography for folks that want to read more.

If you're either an espresso aficionado who wants to spread their wings or someone who cherishes their old press pot, this book is the definitive guide to making the best possible brew at home.

ISBN: 978-1-4507-0870-8

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